Wendy’s presentations encourage employees and business leaders to use their strengths to stay competitive in a fast changing economic landscape. When people and businesses are forced to change it’s often to late. Her focus on people will instigate change that builds on existing talents and develops them further. No one wants to be left behind especially when they had what they needed to succeed.
Does it Take a Team to get the Job Done?
It might sound far fetched but if you don't know the strengths of your team, you could be under utilizing hidden assets. Teams that don't work with their teams’ talent, don't win.
Recognizing and developing talents in employees has been proven to increase productivity and profitability. Employees that use their talents use less sick days, and are much happier (Gallup ©). All of these factors create a more successful business. Focusing on employee strengths and how each person contributes to the team has a morale building momentum. As individuals learn about their strengths, they value themselves more, and in turn see the differences in others as having value rather than a threat or a problem. Learning about strengths provides great communication tools that can be applied to problem solving, and more. A team mindset is the best way to cultivate productivity and a positive work environment. Both have a great impact on your business.
How do you Leverage Your Talents to Shape the Future You Want?
If you have ever had an idea or a goal but you were unsure of how to proceed, this workshop will get you thinking about yourself in a completely different way. Identifying a goal and creating a strategy that makes sense for you may not look the same for anyone else. Why is that? How do you know what is right for you? The first step is to become clear about your talents, and then understand how they affect those around you. Whether you are building a company or are developing a career within your industry, leveraging your talents is your best bet on your future!
Unblocked- How Your Strengths Can Nurture Creativity
As artists or entrepreneurs we have all had those moments where we felt stuck. What is the best way for you to get the creative juices flowing? In this presentation we will discuss how understanding how you think and feel can expand the way you approach your creative process. Learn how to handle yourself when you are blocked for the best results.
Wellness Begins in the Mind
We are not at our best when we are not thinking clearly. What trips you up? How do you recognize a way around the potential fall? Many people do not understand how stress, frustration, and poor communication impact your well being which impacts the quality of every department of your life. First understand what affects your wellness. Understanding your talents and using them with clarity is the first step to embracing one of your greatest resources of overall well being.
Business Leadership Requires Attention like Exotic Sports Cars
In our results driven world, the internal processes are often neglected and not without a cost to individuals that are often working the hardest to make something happen. When leaders take the time to understand their strengths and learn to apply them to their goals, they actually become more efficient and energized. The internal work rewards you in ways that are measurable, but first you have to work with some intrapersonal intangibles. Think of yourself as an exotic sports car. The car was created out of a concept. You are a compilation of unique talents (much like a concept). The way the concept is developed has a lot to do with the effort on fine-tuning the concept. Your rare combination of talents deserves attention.
How to Demotivate Your Team in 5 Easy Steps & How to Stop
Most people can tell a story about a boss that killed their creativity, squelched their initiative, stepped on their heart, and drained all motivational desire out of the team. Let’s talk about them, and help you never do them!